TEAS Exam Instruction For Best Result

You must be looking for some help and wondering if someone can take my TEAS exam for me? If yes, you are not alone. Most students who are taking the TEAS examination to get into their nursing school are looking for help.


The TEAS is the short form of the Test of Essential Academic Skills. Whereas, it is a standardized test commonly taken by students to test their knowledge and skills to enroll in healthcare-related programs. In many schools, it is mandatory to get admission to nursing school, although the score required to pass varies from school to school.


The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) has 170 multiple-choice questions. It covers a wide variety of subjects that students are expected to study during their secondary education. Students have a total of 209 minutes to complete the test, however, each topic has its own time and questions. The test is divided into the following formats:


This section checks your ability and how good you are at picking the key themes and details, structure. This section has 53 questions which you have to attempt in 64 minutes. The reading section will help your instructor to find out how you understand the integration of knowledge and ideas.


This segment totally consists of numbers and logic. If you are good at numbers you can easily pass this section. Math segment will test your skills in algebra, data interpretation, and measurement. Students will have 54 minutes to answer the 36 questions in this section. You will also receive a basic calculator for use in the exam.


Are you bad at Science? If yes, you will find this segment the toughest one. You will be tested on human anatomy and physiology, life and physical sciences, as well as scientific reasoning skills. Some students found this to be the hardest part of the TEAS exam. You will have 63 minutes to answer 53 questions.


This is the final part of the exam and lasts only 28 minutes to answer 28 questions. This part will test your grammar and vocabulary. However, in this segment, you are more likely to gain and lose your marks.


The TEAS test is used as an admissions criterion in many nursing programs, and students should be prepared to take the exam if required.

If you are one of the students who is looking for some tips to achieve good grades in the TEAS exam? The article below will help you find out all the important tips for good marks.

Design a Study Plan

The most important instruction for scoring the best results in TEAS is to always design a study plan. Before you start studying for your TEAS exam you should know the weaknesses and strengths of your courses. Once you are aware of them, start preparing for your exam by making a detailed study plan.


You might be thinking of finding someone who can take my TEAS exam for me. Instead of looking for someone to help you to study and attempt your test. You can prepare yourself. All you have to do is ask yourself some questions like: What is the best learning environment I work in? Which area am I most worried about? What resources are available to me? By asking yourself these questions, you can know your weaknesses and areas of the courses you are good at.

Despite the fact, scheduling a study plan will help you to attempt your TEAS exams more easily.

Take an In-Person Test Prep Class

There are many students who are unable to study through technology. They need physical interaction and guidance to understand. Are you one of those who need physical guidance to study? If yes, you don’t have to worry about the TEAS exam.


The most important instruction to get a good result in your TEAS exam is to take an in-person test class. Some learners are more focused when they take in-person test prep classes. This is because physical classes are more interactive than digital classes.


Many students enjoy this interactive learning method that helps them retain information and help them to clear their concepts. If you are looking for someone to help you to get good grades in your TEAS try taking in-person test prep classes. This is because physical interaction with your instructor clears all your concepts which will help you to pass your exam with good grades.

Time Management

Are you a slow writer or a reader? If yes, you have=e to start working on your writing and reading speed. Time management is important before the TEAS exam and during the exam. Since you have a time limit for each section, make sure to use good time management.


If you are stuck on a question you don’t know how to answer, all you need to do is skip the question and move to the next question. Once you are done with all the questions, try to think and answer the remaining questions. You should allow yourself extra time at the end of the exam to review your answers and make corrections.

You must be wondering how I can manage time during the TEAS exams? If yes, all you have to do is practice. Once you have started practicing the previous test you will learn and understand how to manage time during your TEAS exam.

Take Breaks

Are you tired of studying continuously? If yes, you should stop this pattern. This is because if you study continuously without taking breaks your brain gets exhausted and you start losing interest in your studies.

You need to stay focused in allocating study time, but break time is just as important. Not much information can be retained at one time.


If you study continuously without taking breaks it may result in overpacking which can lead to a mental shutdown and you will not be able to absorb information.


Students who are preparing themselves for the TEAS exam make sure they are taking breaks while studying. It is a great way to recharge before your next study session. You can do something fun, relaxing which will make your mind relaxed and fresh.

Try Answering Every Question

You must have heard the phrase “Something is better than nothing”. Similarly, while attempting your TEAS exam, always try to answer all the questions. This is because it will increase the chances of scoring more grades. If you don’t know the answer to any of the questions, or you may run out of time towards the end of the exam don’t panic.


Sometimes students get stuck on some questions. If you face the same problem all you have to do is save time, consider moving on to the next question, and answer the question you left blank at the end of the test. Answer all questions as you will not be punished for the wrong answer on the exam. Writing down the answer is better than having no answer at all.

Check and Recheck Your Answers

Once you are done with our exam, always check your answer sheet. This is because it will help you to find out the mistakes you might have made during the paper. Give yourself time to check and recheck your work before you submit it. Make sure all questions are answered, whether they’re short answers or multiple choice. Remember, you will always get zero marks for the questions you don’t answer so try to answer all the questions for scoring more marks.


Are you done finding someone to help you to pass your TEAS? If yes, the above-mentioned article is the best solution to find the easiest and most productive instructions to pass your TEAS. All you have to do is stay focused and keep these TEAS test tips in mind to pass your TEAS exam with good grades.


Author Bio:

James Cordon has an ongoing affair with the words that capture readers’ attention. His passion for writing dates back to his pre-blogging days. He loves to share his thoughts related to education technology and business.



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