Tips You Should Follow Before Applying Home Loan in 2021

Do you want to buy a property for investment or residential purposes in 2021? The finance sector provides you with many alternatives.

And a home loan is one of the best out of them.

It is because when you apply online home loans, you get a significant amount. As per you meeting the home loan eligibility criteria, your loan amount may differ.

Since housing finance is a long-term commitment, it becomes a must to know a few things. Some of them are the eligible amount matching your income, EMI amount that your income can support, and much more.

Go through this post before you apply home loans so that you approach them with confidence in 2021! Read on!

  • Your eligible housing loan amount

Before you apply online home loans, you should know an amount that a lender can sanction as per your eligibility and other norms. The best way to see an eligible amount is to use the home loan eligibility calculator. Once you input a few details, the tool showcases the precise eligible loan amount.

  • Your exact payable EMI amount

Since a housing loan is a long-term obligation, you may have to repay the EMIs over a longer tenor. Hence, it is vital to know about an exact home loan EMI amount. This way, you can know if you can make it without the risks of defaults. To check it out, you ought to use the home loan EMI calculator. The tool is available on your lender’s platform for free and works 24×7.

  • Should you go for a long or a short tenor?

When you apply housing loan in india and repay them over a shorter tenor, it may strain your wallets. But, if you repay the housing loan over a longer tenor, it means paying smaller EMIs. The only demerit of choosing a longer tenor is that you have to deal with a higher home loan interest rate. It means you have to pay more than what you borrow. Thus, a decision regarding the selection of a small or longer tenor should be made carefully.


  • Checking your lender’s eligibility criteria

Many people apply online home loans without checking the lender’s eligibility conditions. Hence, they have to face rejections. It is where it becomes a must to do that for sure. You can land on your lender’s website and know their eligibility norms. The documents required for home loans are also mentioned on their platform. Once you are aware of what conditions to fulfil, you can avoid the chances of rejections easily.

  • Maintain a robust CIBIL score

The maintenance of a higher credit score is a sign that you are an ideal loan candidate. It is because you have paid your earlier and existing debts on time, lenders may assume you as a safe applicant. Hence, it becomes a must to keep your credit score highly maintained. You can do that after making timely repayments towards your active loans and credit cards. A CIBIL score of 750 or more can help you get the home loan approval faster and at a lower rate.

  • Compare all available deals online

You may come across so many offers when you apply online home loans. It may confuse you which one to choose and not. Therefore, the best thing is to compare all available deals on a third-party platform. In turn, it can help you select an offer matching your needs and repayment capacity the best. Third-party websites offer this facility for free and work 24×7 for your convenience.

  • Read the fine prints of the loan

Details about the housing finance and its extra charges are mentioned in the fine prints of the lender. You should make it a point to go through it at least once. It will make you aware of additional charges you have to bear during the tenor and when.

Before you apply online home loans, you should be aware of what it comprises of, its terms and conditions and pointers as discussed. Once you have an idea of what you are applying for, you will have no issues approaching, manage and repay it. Getting in touch with a home loan expert for doubts can also make you confident.



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